Was great to talk to Jon Lewis about Indy Car leaving ABC for NBC, NCAA tournament ratings and potentially good finals matches still in play, NBA ratings, the new Sunday Night Baseball booth, Monday Night & Thursday night football booths, NFL ratings, the AAF and ESPN’s “Dominant 20” and ratings predictions for Saturday’s “Elite 8” round games of the NCAA tournament. Jon on the Internet: Twitter: @Paulsen_SMW sportsmediawatch.com

The World's Fastest-Growing Sports Media Podcast with @SportsTVRatings
One-on-one interviews with various members of the sports media world. Additionally, from time to time there will be narrative-driven podcasts in the style of Stephen Dubner's Freakonomics.
One-on-one interviews with various members of the sports media world. Additionally, from time to time there will be narrative-driven podcasts in the style of Stephen Dubner's Freakonomics.Listen on
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