Anthony Crupi has been following the TV biz longer than I have and I’ve enjoyed his consistently great work the whole time I’ve been tracking TV, first when he was at AdWeek and since mid-2014 at Advertising Age. With news breaking this morning (June 26, 2017) that Fox Sports has joined ESPN in signing up for Nielsen’s Out of Home Measurement service, I wanted to rush this podcast out now because...

The World's Fastest-Growing Sports Media Podcast with @SportsTVRatings
One-on-one interviews with various members of the sports media world. Additionally, from time to time there will be narrative-driven podcasts in the style of Stephen Dubner's Freakonomics.
One-on-one interviews with various members of the sports media world. Additionally, from time to time there will be narrative-driven podcasts in the style of Stephen Dubner's Freakonomics.Listen on
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