Fred Segal runs the Freezing Cold Takes/@OldTakesExposed Twitter feed which I’ve always been fascinated by. The thing that is really fascinating to me is that most of the people (but, as it turns out, definitely not all of them) with the takes being mocked seem to have as much fun with it as Fred does. A ~30 minute chat about how Fred goes about doing the feed, what the response...

The World's Fastest-Growing Sports Media Podcast with @SportsTVRatings
One-on-one interviews with various members of the sports media world. Additionally, from time to time there will be narrative-driven podcasts in the style of Stephen Dubner's Freakonomics.
One-on-one interviews with various members of the sports media world. Additionally, from time to time there will be narrative-driven podcasts in the style of Stephen Dubner's Freakonomics.Listen on
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